Coopah How To: Start Strength Training
In this series of ‘HOW TO’ blogs, we are going to share our tips for the most common questions we get asked by our community of runners, and this blog is all about How To Start Strength Training.
I have never done this type of training before and I have never used weights, I find it a bit intimidating and I have no idea where to start!
The first, and perhaps the most important thing, to remember is that at some point, anyone who has ever stepped foot in a gym or picked up a weight was at one stage a complete beginner! But we totally understand that it can still feel daunting to get started.
Like with most things, the best thing to do is start small and gradually ease yourself in. You don’t even need to use weights to start with, doing bodyweight exercises is a great way to get started, and allows you to practice a range of moments and perfect your form before adding additional weight.
It also does not need to be complicated at all, if you stick with the basics to begin with and keep it simple, that is the best way to learn and can also reduce your risk of injury too.
Here are some key exercises we would recommend adding to your Strength Training Routine
Bicep Curls
Click here to head to our video library for demonstration videos and more workout ideas.
I am training for a marathon and I can’t fit Strength Training in as well, what should I do?
We totally understand that training for a marathon takes a lot of time, and that most of us are juggling it alongside work, family life and lots of other commitments. The most important thing to remember is that something is always better than nothing! So if that means you can only fit in one Strength workout a week, that is better than nothing at all!
If you don’t have time to make it to the gym, then try to find ways to fit in a workout at home and make strength exercises a part of your daily routine. Here are some ideas to get you started
Do Calf Raises whilst brushing your teeth.
Hold the plank during the adverts of your favourite TV show.
Squat whilst you are waiting for the kettle to boil.
If you are running 5/6 times a week, you may also find it beneficial in the long run to swap one of those runs out for a Strength Training workout. Strength Training can help to improve your overall strength & endurance, reduce injury risk and increase bone density, so it really is worth it!
I have used weights before and got really bad DOMS for the days after, meaning I couldn’t run. I don’t want it to effect my running again, how can I do both?
It is really important to remember that DOMs (delayed onset muscle soreness) is completely normal and very common, especially when you first start strength training. But, as you continue to train and get stronger, these will get less and less over time.
There are some things you can do to help reduce muscle soreness after training, but ultimately it comes down to being consistent and sticking with it so that it takes your body less time to recover.
Drink plenty of water during & after your training - its really important to keep hydrated as this will help you to recover.
Make sure you fuel before & after training - remember, our muscles can only repair when we have calories on our bodies!
Get lots of sleep - again, our muscles can only repair & rebuild when we are properly resting.
Keep moving - I know it can be the last thing you want to do, but going for a walk, easy cycle or even a very easy run can help to ease muscle soreness.
Plan your week - if you know you have a speed session or a long run to do, it is probably not a good idea to do a hard strength session the day before. Schedule your strength training around your easy runs + rest days.
Strength Training is a key part to every single one of our plans at Coopah, so if you are not sure where to start - don’t panic! Here at Coopah we want to take all the stress out of your training and make life easier for you, which is why we have created our app.
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